Wednesday, 4 March 2015

The Black Dahlia Murder - Black Valor

     Today's song comes once again from time spent with my brother, and I promise that this time it's a tad more metal than As I Lay Dying. You see, we were driving, and today's band happened to come up on the 'ol Shufflatron, causing my brother to chuckle, shake his head, and say "blastbeats, eh?". Yes, my figurative son. Blastbeats.

     Your song today is "Black Valor", the opening track from 2009's Deflorate by The Black Dahlia Murder. I know I'm a bit of a latecomer to the TBDM party, but Deflorate is the album that cemented my love for this band and what they do. And that includes blastbeats. Everblack is nearing two years old now, so perhaps wishing for some new Black Dahlia Murder wouldn't be a complete waste, but for the time being we'll just have to jam some of this quality old shit. Go.

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