Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Monday: Veil of Maya - Mikasa

     My slacking off over the last couple of days might make me kinda late to this party, but I'm going to post about it anyways because I've seen a considerable amount of butt-hurt expressed on this one so far. Yes, you guessed (and read) it right: I'm talking about the new Veil of Maya song.

     You know, the one with *gasp!* cleans in it, something which apparently still divides metal fans, or at least Veil of Maya fans, quite sharply. And sure, the cleans are one of the several contributing factors that makes "Mikasa", lead single from the forthcoming Matriarch, sound catchy and hooky, like a breakdown-ier Periphery. There's even a Killswitch-y riff or two, if we're talking comparisons.

     But at the end of the day, none of the above matters one way or the other if you dig something. And dig this I do, at least more than I typically dig Veil of Maya. I don't know if this is the sound all of Matriach will have, and I don't know if I this is the sound I want all of it to have, but for now, I for one am cool with Veil injecting a smidgen of pop flavour into their typical djent-death-core batter.

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