Monday, 9 March 2015

Sunday: Soundgarden - Spoonman

     You know how Facebook has the 'trending news' feed on the right-hand side now? I'm almost ashamed to admit exactly how much of my news comes to me from that little sidebar, but let's just say that some days it's 'more than it should be'. In any event, yesterday it told me that Soundgarden's Superunknown is turning 21 years old this year.

     A little internet searching confirms, revealing that Soundgarden's masterpiece came out on the 8th of March way back in 1994. As a Soundgarden fan with an abiding love for Superunknown, I feel I would be remiss if I let an anniversary like this pass without commemoration.

     So to celebrate Superunknown turning the legal drinking age in the States, your Sunday song is Soundgarden classic "Spoonman". But before you click the link, go grab your spoons. Go on, I'll wait.

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