Monday, 13 October 2014

Mogwai - Teenage Exorcists

     Back when I was in high school, I had a friend or two who, like me, was into Scottish post-rock band Mogwai. We weren't many, and we weren't diehards or anything, but we definitely thought Mogwai had a cool song or two (some of which I've even featured here on Loud Noises over the years).

     Now, even back then I knew Mogwai wasn't a strictly instrumental outfit, but a lot of my favourite tracks by them were/are instrumentals, or at the very least lighter on the vocal side of things. Add in the fact that I haven't followed the band all that much since back then, and you might arrive at the conclusion that I can be perhaps be forgiven for sort of forgetting that lots (and lots) of Mogwai songs have vocals in 'em, even if they are awash in one effect or another.

     You might also be able to understand why, to my ear, the vocals in Mogwai's latest track, "Teenage Exorcists", seem so prominent, so central, and so initially out of place. Mogwai has a song with clean, intelligible vocals? Well, yeah, they've got a whole bunch. Duh.

     Anyways, my own musical ignorance, or mental block, or whatever you want to call it aside, "Teenage Exorcists" is a cool little cut from an upcoming EP of material, some new, some remixed, from the recording sessions for the band's last album Rave Tapes. If you're an avid Mogwai fan, you probably know about this EP and are perhaps a little more familiar with the band's musical direction of late. If, however, you're like me and haven't really paid Mogwai much attention in the last few years, then maybe "Teenage Exorcists" will be just the something-a-little-different to draw you back into the fold. So check it out -- just don't feed it after midnight.

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