Sunday, 19 October 2014

Friday: Pray for Sound - Sonder

     Don't let the naysayers sway you with their saying of nay: heavy music is in a pretty strong place right now. The recording industry as we've known it is still changing and shifting in response to the new realities of a modern, increasingly digital marketplace, but musicians continue to put out heavy music of every stripe, and it's us fans who're reaping the rewards.

     Case in point: post-rock and post-metal, with or without vocals, are burgeoning sub-genres with all kinds of different flavours for all kinds of different fans tucked away under their overarching umbrellas. For my Friday post, I'm going to point you in the direction of one such flavour, Boston's Pray for Sound.

     Pray for Sound is definitely more post-rock than post-metal, but that doesn't mean they lack the energy or musicianship that one might expect from a more metal band. Similarly, they fall in the instrumental camp of post-stuff, and yet they don't suffer from the lack of focus that can affect some bands that lack vocals.

     Instead they sit comfortably at an intersection of all of these elements, with enough technicality to hold the attention of a jaded metalhead such as myself, but not so much that their songs become centered on instrumentation instead of on songwriting. Songs like "Sonder" from the band's debut LP Dreamer still move from A to B to C without getting lost in the landscape of instrumental post-rock. If instrumental post-rock with a healthy helping of melody is at all your thing, check these boys from Beantown out.

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