Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Wovenwar - Profane

     I've chosen today's song almost despite myself. Although I was a pretty big As I Lay Dying fan for their first several albums, my interest waned with their last couple, and I've followed the whole Tim Lambesis thing and the subsequent resurrection of AILD-sans-Tim as Wovenwar with only a little more than passing interest.

      When the band first started teasing the new material, I was just kinda "meh" about it. Ditto for when the first song came out, a track called "All Rise", if I recall correctly. But for some reason the latest track to make the internet rounds, "Profane", is grabbing me a little bit more.

     Sure, it's not really anything new -- the riffing could be As I Lay Dying stuff as easily as Wovenwar -- but its straight-forward heaviness still merits some head-bangery. "Profane", out next week on the band's self-titled debut Wovenwar, is "radio heavy", but in a good way.

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