Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Botanist - Callistemon

     Ever think that the variety of stuff I feature on a daily basis is too limited for your worldly palate? Feel like my usual fare is too mundane? Hopefully today's song will both satisfy your musical wanderlust and show you I've got some range.

     Enter Botanist. This experimental band from San Francisco has a melodic sensibility and artsy feel that reminds me of ...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead,  if Trail of Dead had a healthy amount of double-kick and some yelled/screamed vocals (although those vocals can be pretty low in the mix).

     What it amounts to is metal that doesn't feel like metal. Maybe post-metal would be the best umbrella term, but any way you slice it there's some heaviness to be had here, even if it might not be the most conventional kind. Have a listen to "Callistemon" from Botanist's latest, VI: Flora, and see (or hear) what I mean.

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