Saturday, 5 January 2013

Song of the Day: Thrice - All the World is Mad

     It's the weekend again, which means it's already been a whole Resurrection Week of songs from defunct bands. We'll do one more today, just to put a nice round cap on things, before getting back into the swing of more regular things tomorrow. As was the case with Glassjaw, today's band might not technically be completely dead yet, but they are on "indefinite hiatus", so if I can somehow get them back in the game then I'll have done my job.

     Your song today is "All the World is Mad", the really cool opening track from 2009's interesting departure of an album Beggars by one of my favourites, Thrice. Thrice have shifted their sound a number of times over the years, but Beggars was just... different sounding to me, with some new directions for the band and some deeper explorations of more familiar directions. All in all, Beggars was an album I wasn't all that sure about at first, but one that grew on me with every listen until I loved nearly every track. Start with "All the World is Mad" and see where that takes you.

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