Thursday, 5 July 2012

Song of the Day: Soundgarden - 4th of July

     Today I'm going to start something a little different. As you've probably noticed, it can take me a long time to write one of these here Loud Noises posts, depending on what's going on in my life at any given time, and what it is I'm writing about. But sometimes I just want to make a quick post so that you, dear reader, will have something to brighten up (and maybe metal up) your day. Sure, I started Loud Noises as a soapbox for me to express my thoughts and opinions about cool music, metal and otherwise, but I also started Loud Noises so that I would have the chance to turn other people -- you, for example -- on to the music I'm passionate about. To that end, today is the first day of Song of the Day*, a feature of Loud Noises in which I'm going to to recommend one new song each and every day for one year. Yup. A lofty goal? Or a trivial undertaking? I don't know, but I'm going to try it out and see how it fits.

     To start things off, I've got something sort of inspired by yesterday being Independence Day for our neighbours to the south. So even though I'm not an American, your song of the day for the fifth of July is Soundgarden's "4th of July". It's a really cool song off of 1994's Superunknown, and it's also one that I think is maybe a little underrated, even among Soundgarden fans. So have a listen, and I'll see you tomorrow.

* Yes, it's not the best name. I know. Suggestions?

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