Sunday, 22 July 2012

Song of the Day: Numbers - Figured You Forgot

     I've got some tasty new stuff for you today. I was just reading some reviews the other day over on good ol' Heavy Blog... Is Heavy, and I came across a pretty positive one for a self-titled debut EP from an act called Numbers out of Seattle. Now, much of what I listen to sometimes blurs genre lines and defies easy description, and Numbers is no exception. Heavy and aggressive, melodic, technical, catchy, infused with elements of electronica and metal and... well, I really shouldn't even try to get into it, as Tentaclesworth over at Heavy Blog does a better job than I could (check his review of the EP here). Suffice to say, it's pretty crazy, pretty cool, and definitely pretty fucking interesting.

     Today's song is "Figured You Forgot" by Numbers. Listen with an open mind and you might just fall in love. And yes, the song is a little late today, but no, I didn't forget, no matter what you figured...

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