Friday, 6 July 2012

Song of the Day: Rush - Tom Sawyer

     Song of the Day, day 2, and today's going to be kind of a sequel to yesterday (you'll get it in a second). I am indeed Canadian, and since I didn't start Song of the Day until after Canada Day, today's going to be a Canada Day song. But unlike yesterday's "4th of July" for the 4th of July, I know of no songs about or entitled Canada Day, metal or otherwise, so it's going to have to just be a song by a Canadian band. Now I know some of you are going to decry my choice, largely because of Geddy Lee's voice, but I don't care.

     Today's song is "Tom Sawyer" by Rush. Yeah, it's not the most metal song, but even if you don't like Geddy you can't deny the incredible musicianship regularly displayed by all three members of the prog-tastic entity that is Rush. So Happy (belated) Canada Day everyone, and enjoy.

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