Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Tuesday: Monuments - I, the Destroyer

     Speaking of djent, as I was last time out, there are still lots of bands doing decent enough djent to warrant attention. Sure, it's a sound that's become oversaturated in the marketplace (to put it in high falutin' talk) but, as I've said before and will say again, there's absolutely nothing wrong with djent done well.

     And as I've also said before,  Monuments know how to do this kind of thing properly. Their 2014 disc The Amaneunsis is chock full of studies in the kind of big riffs and grooves that I consider prime djenty goodness, and I've featured several tracks from it in the past. But if you need further convincing that this particular subgenre shouldn't be exclusively maligned, check out "I, the Destroyer", and prepare to get, well, destroyed.

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