Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Monday: The Atlas Moth - The 6th Passenger is Death

     It seems everybody's favourite dense and sludgy post-metal act The Atlas Moth have some new material ready to be unleashed, in the form of a song from an upcoming 7" split with Canadian veterans KEN Mode. Sure, it's no full-length follow-up to last year's monolithic The Old Believer, but it is new Atlas moth, so let's not be such choosy beggars, OK?

     "The 6th Passenger is Death" is, unsurprisingly, a dense and layered offering that explores a relatively large amount of sonic territory within a pretty simple framework -- just one or two main jams, really, but with various elements added and subtracted in ways most pleasing to mine ears. A follow-up to The Old Believer could end up hitting like a tonne of bricks. Let's just hope it doesn't take too long -- 7" splits are just too much of a tease for me, guys.

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