Monday, 3 November 2014

Saturday: Pianos Become the Teeth - Ripple Water Shine

     Lately it seems like I've been postponing much of my week's sleep until the weekend, meaning I haven't been super productive the last couple of weekends. Let's work on that, shall we?

     So, some catching up to do then, starting with a bit of pretty anticipated post-hardcore for Saturday. Though I've never been more than a passing fan of the band's past work, I've been reading a fair amount of hype (for lack of a better word) for the latest from Baltimore's post-everything Pianos Become the Teeth. Ever one to wonder what all the fuss is about, I've been checking out some streams of Keep You, and I have to say I'm glad I let the buzz guide my mouse hand.

     Keep You is a big, majestic post-hardcore/post-rock record that combines the open, ethereal beauty so often found in post-rock with an ineffable melancholy. Maybe it's just me, but I hear a lot of nostalgia on this record, a lot of musical mourning for something lost. Could I be completely off the mark? Sure, but however you want to label or describe the sound of Keep You, it's still a hauntingly beautiful record. Check out album opener "Ripple Water Shine" if you'd like an example of the kind of bittersweet melodic sense I'm talking about.

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