Saturday, 9 August 2014

Archspire - Seven Crowns and the Oblivion Chain

     Take a seat, kids, I'm going to lay a little story on you. No, scratch that, a little legend. You see, five years ago our friends threw a couple of parties, referred to as the Mini-Olympics, at which attendants not only drank and ate but also compete in a series of events designed to test their mettle and separate wheat from chaff.

     Some of these events were drinking games, but many were simply silly -- think egg-and-spoon relays and you'll be on the right track. The grandest of these mini-olympiad took place out in the boons in July of 2009, and when you throw in the late-night fireworks display you have a good time had by all.

     As our little group has grown together, grown apart, expanded, contracted, gotten married, and started having kids, the story of The Mini-Olympics, and in particular that last one, has grown in the telling, and always prompts cries of "we should do another one of those sometime". Those cries may have taken years to come to anything, but the stars have finally aligned and this afternoon (perhaps even as you read this) I shall be defending my honour on the field of mini-olympic competition for the Five Year Reunion of the Shackle Mini-Olympics.

     And I since I will of course be doing all the winning (yeah, right...) we need something to go hard to for our Song of the Day today. No training montage ever created will improve my performance at simple games like these, so "Eye of the Tiger" is out. Why not just go with some more brutally proficient tech death from Vancouver's Archspire? Aaron from Killitorous would approve.

     Your song today is therefore "Seven Crowns and the Oblivion Chain" from Archspire's latest The Lucid Collective . Stay tech, everybody.

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