Thursday, 28 August 2014

Album of the Week: Destrage - Are You Kidding Me? No.

     You know I'm always on the lookout for things that are a little off the beaten path, and one of my favourite albums this year is, in my opinion, just that. It's not especially inaccessible (think Protest the Hero, a bit more metal and a bit more musically varied and you're in the neighbourhood) or even especially hard to get (these guys are on Metal Blade, after all). But it is Italian, so I figure there's at least some of you who don't know Destrage already and need to be corrected.

     "Are You Kidding Me? No." isn't a debut album (it's the band's third) but to me it's got all the energy of a debut, all the fire of a band with something to prove. It also doesn't hurt matters that all these Italian stallions are firmly in command of their instruments and turn in top-notch performances that avoid going over the top.

     But like I said, I get the feeling neither this band nor this album are getting the kind of love they deserve here in the North American metal market. And it's a shame, because I would love to see a tour that brings these guys across the Atlantic. Jam this album and make it happen.

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