Friday, 16 May 2014

Mastodon - High Road

     What's this? Another post this week? Could it be...

     ...Yes, it is. Hey everybody, just your friendly neighbourhood noisemaker, saddling back up to wrangle you your daily dose of all things heavy. Things are still getting settled here at Loud Noises HQ, but as I said in one of my hiatus posts, I have a lot of things to catch up on, and that list has only gotten longer since then, so let's just get straight to it, shall we?

     First up, I feel I have to feature "High Road", the first single from Mastodon's forthcoming sixth LP Once More 'Round the Sun. I know you're all probably at least aware of the existence of this record, and if you're a Mastodon fan I'm sure you've already jammed "High Road" a few times, but just in case you're among the uninitiated, or haven't paid attention to Mastodon in an album or two, here's the deal: take one big, stompy monster of a riff, add in some classic-metal-sounding leads, and cover the whole thing a liberal layer of Mastodony melody, and you've got "High Road" in a nutshell.

     It's not quite as epic or proggy as Mastodon have been in the past (Crack the Skye is still the pinnacle of the band's career in this writer's opinion) but it does have a relentlessly crushing quality to its simplicity. If you're hoping for more of the epic spaciness of albums past, "High Road" might disappoint somewhat, but if you're just looking for a modern metal song with a bit of classic, old school feel, "High Road" just might scratch your itch. Either way, new Mastodon material is always cause for excitement in my book, and I for one am looking forward taking another spin around the sun with the boys.

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