Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Album of the Week: Skyharbor - Blinding White Noise

     I told you guys over the weekend that I'd be back with a little something to keep you going while I'm away, and here I am, with a new feature that'll hopefully run alongside the daily songs whenever I get back to them.

     In addition to recommending a new song for you every day, I'm going to be trying a different album once a week, just to give you a little bit more time to chew on some stuff that you might or might not already be aware of.

     First up is a record that I've recently been rediscovering, namely Skyharbor's phenomenal debut Blinding White Noise. Big melodies (both vocal and musical), grooves aplenty, just the right amount of technicality and virtuosity to elevate things above the mundane... all of it adds up to a djenty album that's so much more than djust djent.

     Throw in the fact that Blinding White Noise is a double album of sorts -- two shorter discs make up the album's whole -- and you've got a pretty ambitious debut that succeeds at every turn. I can't wait to hear a follow-up, but for now I'll just have to spend some more time with Blinding White Noise.

     And that's just what you should do too. If your tastes are anything like mine (which they might be, if you're reading this) then Skyharbor will be something that you dig. So spend the next week giving it a go, and I'll try and turn you on to something else next time.

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