Monday, 21 April 2014


     As I'm sure the handful of you who read Loud Noises regularly have no doubt already noticed, I've been a little quiet for the past couple of days. Don't panic, I'm still here, I've just been preoccupied by a couple of things as of late, a couple of speedbumps in life's journey, if you will, one of which I knew was coming and am relatively prepared for and one which I did not foresee and which has put me in limbo over this Easter long weekend.

     The one I knew about was that, as of the 1st of May, my girlfriend and I will be moving in together! I'm sure it's terribly exciting for you. We've been together for four and a half years now, so it's getting to be about time this happened, and we've known about and been planning for this for a couple of months now, but it's still a disruptive event that promises to keep things a little hectic around here well into May.

     The other, unforeseen speedbump was the unfortunate demise of the graphics card in my PC - I hesitate to say untimely, as I built my current rig in 2010. Things went pear-shaped last Wednesday evening, and of course the combination of me being a gaming dork and my machine being  nearly four years old meant that the requisite part wasn't in stock at the shop and had to be ordered. I should be hearing from them in the next day or two, but it has nevertheless been a very disconnected weekend.

     But fear not, dear reader. The current song of the day hiatus will continue until I get my baby back home, and next week may indeed be a disaster from the perspective of keeping to a schedule, but I am still here and I will get things back on track... eventually...

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