Sunday, 6 April 2014

Saturday: Numbers - Frames

     In addition to The Joy of Motion, I've also been listening to a fair amount of Numbers' new disc Three over the past couple of days, and while Numbers aren't reinventing their wheel with their first LP, they are working on the best damn Numbers-shaped wheel they can muster.

     As an example, take "Frames": its combination of energetic core riffing and some bloopy, glitchy electronic elements sums up Numbers' sound, and Kyle's versatile vocal performance is likewise par for the course. The bad news with the new record, if you can call it that, is that Numbers haven't strayed too far from the sound that made their self-titled EP stick out, preferring to refine and hone their current direction. The good news, of course, is that Numbers haven't strayed too far from the sound that made their self-titled EP stick out, preferring to refine and hone their current direction.

     I know I've sung the praises of this band before, but that's only because they're so good at what they do. If rock solid metalcore appeals to you, and the idea of techno added to that metalcore sounds even better, then you need to know about Numbers. Full stop.

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