Sunday, 30 March 2014

Sunday: Thrice - The Artist in The Ambulance

     While we're on the subject of band's I'd wish would get back together who apparently are, Thrice's Dustin Kensrue has recently revealed in an online Q&A (I believe it was an AMA over on Reddit) that the band may be back touring or working on new material  sooner rather than later.

     It's not concrete news of a new album by any stretch, but I'll take what I can get. The prospect of new Thrice, or a chance to see Thrice on tour again, would be most welcome propositions even if they're not imminently on the horizon. For the time being, however, we'll just have to jam something classic and say a prayer to the music gods that things move forward post haste.

     Crank the title track from 2003's The Artist in The Ambulance to get yourself in the mood for the possible return of Thrice.

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