Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Destrage - My Green Neighbour

     So much heavy music -- especially any of the myriad subgenres we might for the sake of simplicity encapsulate with the word "metal" -- takes itself quite seriously. This is understandable, given the high levels of musicianship often present in many of these styles, and the often somewhat dark subject matter. War, death, depression, drug abuse, and good ol' Satan himself aren't exactly cheery topics. (I know I've cherry-picked some of the stereotypical metal topics that have been objected to by ignorant parents and politicians for decades, but bear with me, I'm going somewhere with this.)

     I've got no problem with such subject matter, and certainly no problem with musical virtuosity, but I do think that metalheads and metal bands should lighten up every once in a while. Variety is the spice of life, right? So I was pleasantly surprised to discover this deceptively light-hearted romp from Italian outfit Destrage about how it's OK to shoot zombies in the face.

     So have a listen to your song for tonight, "My Green Neighbour", from Destrage's latest, Are You Kidding Me? No. It's got all the spastic heavyness you could want, plus the fun zombie them. Win-win, really.

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