Monday, 2 September 2013

Song of the Day Double Header 2: The Resongining

     Apparently we're going to tackle this long weekend in chunks. OK, fine.

     So it's been an interesting couple of days, mainly because I was involved in a minor car accident on Saturday afternoon. Some douchebag in a big pick-up truck sideswiped me literally as I was turning into the driveway of my destination, doing some body damage to my car and absolutely fuck all to his behemoth beside scratching one of his giant rims.

     Everybody's fine (thanks for asking) but needless to say I was a little more than miffed. I still don't know what the bill is going to look like, but any way you slice it it's not going to be much fun. So for a car crash themed song for your Sunday song, I've gone with Thursday's "Understanding in a Car Crash" from 2001's Full Collapse. You metal purists out there may look down your nose at this "pussy emo bullshit" (or whatever choice descriptors you'd prefer) but to that I and my high school self say "fuck off", or something similar.

     Moving right along to your song for today, aka Monday, we'll go with something more metal, both to pacify said purists and to cleanse our palates after Saturday's incident. Off the top of my head, I can't think of a better testosterone-fueled slice of aggro catharsis than Lamb of God's "Redneck" from 2006's Sacrament. It's a relentless, driving (no pun intended) number that encapsulates a little bit of what we've all thought or felt in one of these situations: just fucking try me right now, pal. That makes it a fitting choice for getting us back into the usual swing of things. Herewegoherewegoherewego...

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