Thursday, 9 May 2013

Song of the Day: Shokran - Dark Desert

     I think I've mentioned before that Google gives me access to a few stats here in the back-end of Blogger. I can see which posts are getting pageviews, and from where in the world those views are coming, and one thing I'm noticing is that apparently Loud Noises is big in Russia.

     Since I'm not getting a lot of Russian comments (or even a lot of comments period) I'm working on the assumption that many of you are, in fact, bots (whether you're Russian or not). But just in case some of you are real, live Russians who're digging what I'm laying down (Ha.) I've decided to throw you guys a bone.

     Your song tonight is a vaguely Asiany-sounding number called "Dark Desert" from the 2012 EP Sixth Sense by a Russian band called Shokran. It's a little djenty, but it's also instrumental music that remains interesting, which is always challenging to write and gratifying to hear. I haven't checked out the rest of the EP yet, but I'm interested to hear whether it's more of the same, or whether there's some variety to Shokran's groove.

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