Friday, 24 May 2013

Song of the Day: Periphery - All New Materials

     It's been a while since I've done a Periphery song, and since my mp3 player's shuffle has thrown me the same one lately, I might as well exorcise that demon and get a Song of the Day out of it. Two pigs with one bird, right?

     Your Periphery song today is "All New Materials" from Periphery's self-titled 2010 disc. It's got the initial draw of the chord progression from the intro, first clean and pretty and later heavy for the choruses, but it also has the distinction in my book of being a Periphery song built on only a couple of riffs/progressions rather than a whole bucket-load of 8-string avant garde atonality.

     Don't get me wrong, I really dig Periphery, but sometimes the three guitar line-up combines with the riff faucet that is Misha's brain and you end up with a song that never finds its feet, never really gets momentum going in any one direction. I feel like "All New Materials" is a simpler, more straight-forward Periphery song, and while that's not always what I'm going for, it is a little refreshing every once in a while.

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