Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Song of the Day: Tool - Aenema

     So I was going through my playlist, looking for a song for today, when it occurred to me: I've been at this Song of the Day thing for going on two months now and I've yet to do a Tool song. Shame! Time to set things right!

     Now, I know that one of my big things here at Loud Noises is trying to turn people on to music they might not know or aren't already fans of, and I also know that Tool is hardly such a band. Whether or not you like them, I know you at least have heard of Tool and probably know what they're about, but today I don't really care. I'm doing a Tool song because they're fucking awesome and there's nothing you can do about it.

     The Tool song for today* is "Aenema" from Tool's classic 1996 disc of the same name (albeit potentially different spelling), because some days you just want to watch it all get washed away...

* about which, as I've mentioned, you can do NOTHING muwahaha!

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