Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Saturday: Sound Struggle - Strongth

     Microtheme time, so pile in the car and let's all head to Beantown. Remember how the Cradle of Liberty was also the birthplace of yesterday's "Friday" band, instrumental outfit Chronologist? Well your Saturday song was also born in Boston, so settle in for a sample of the diverse and technically proficient prog of Sound Struggle.

     The guys in Sound Struggle got together at Boston's famed Berklee College of Music, so you know there's some technical ability in the room. But on their latest LP Rise, these six dudes have managed not only to show their chops but also to demonstrate that they can craft a mean mess of proggy jazz fusion -- complete with synths and sax -- that's still capable of being heavy as fuck.

     I really don't know where to start you on this one, so you're going to start at the start. Logical right? That makes your official Saturday song for last week Sound Struggle's "Strongth", but buckle up kids, because this time around the link's for a while album stream. So enjoy "Strongth" and then brace yourself for the rest of the madness and badness that is Rise.

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