Thursday, 22 October 2015

Tuesday: Pomegranate Tiger - Cyclic

     You know I love it when new music falls into my lap, and I love it even more when that new music comes from a band that I've been looking forward to hearing new material from. But the best case scenario is when new music from a band I dig falls into my lap... and it's badass. Fortune smiles on us today, my friends.

     The name Pomegranate Tiger should already be familiar to you, if not from the proggy and technically proficient brand of instrumental metal to be found on their debut LP Entities then at least for the e-mail Q&A Matt and Martin did for me back in July of 2014 (Thanks again, guys!). It looks like Martin's multitasking as the main musician in the group even more than last time out, but that hasn't slowed him down one bit!

     If you want some proof that killer instrumental prog can be crafted by an individual (and you don't have time to wait for the next Chimp Spanner record... I kid, Paul, I kid!) check out the first single "Cyclic" from Pom Tiger's upcoming sophomore record Boundless -- you'll be back in the Pomegranate Tiger groove and clamouring for Boundless's December 11th release date in no time. Careful that visualization video doesn't melt your brain, though.

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