Monday, 30 June 2014

Sunday: Baroness - Take My Bones Away

     In an effort to catch up after the last couple of days of lagging behind I'm taking inspiration from wherever it comes, so please forgive the following tenuous reasoning for featuring what really is a cool tune.

     We went to a local rib festival yesterday to sample a variety of barbecued meats, which immediately suggest to me a song with a meaty riff. But meaty riffs are pretty plentiful if you look for them, so we need a different rib-related them. How about bones?

     By the magic of that explanation, I present to you your Sunday song, "Take My Bones Away", from the Yellow disc of Baroness' 2012 double album, which has the benefit of being both a "boney" and having some meaty riffage. As new album news rolls in from one band or another, I can't help but hope John Baizley and company are close to being in a place where they can record again after their very scary August 2012 bus crash.

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