Monday, 29 April 2013

Song of the Day: Pomegranate Tiger - Maxims

     Day 2 of Canadiana Week coming at you, and this evening we're going to head down the 401 a bit (that's a big highway north of America, for all of you non-Southern Ontarians out there) from Protest the Hero's lair in Toronto to the Windsor stomping grounds of up-and-coming instrumetallers Pomegranate Tiger.

     I've sung the praises of this band before, but if your musical tastes are anything like mine (proggy jazz-fusion metal? Yes please!) you'll thank me for featuring them again. Their debut album Entities, released in January of this year, is in a word, "epic". If you've ever held the opinion that instrumental music is boring because of its lack of vocals, anything by Pomegranate Tiger should convince you otherwise. Think Between the Buried and Me-style riffage without Tommy Giles and you should begin to get a flavour for things.

     To get a further flavour for things, have a listen to "Maxims" from the aforementioned Entities. Why "Maxims"? Two reason: obviously I think it's a cool track, but also important is its five minute running length, because although there are a couple of other tracks I also thought about choosing, they clock in at six minutes plus, and I'm nothing if not considerate of your valuable time. You're welcome.

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